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The Impressive eco-initiative for cleaning the seabed near the island of St. Anastasia attracted over 30 divers from all over the country. The action was organized by Burgas Municipality of and NGO “Friends of the Sea”. Divers from Plovdiv, Sofia, Shumen and Varna also took part.

Despite the tremendous care that has been taken in recent years to protect the environment, divers removed from the seabed off the island plastic cups, bottles and other small household waste and a bottle of wine of unknown vintage.

The eco action is in partnership with Burgas Municipality under the project “Implementation of measures to reduce marine litter in the Burgas Bay”, which is implemented in partnership with the “Chance for Children and Nature of Bulgaria” Foundation and the NGO “The Blue Army” from Iceland. The project is funded under the Program “Environmental Protection and Climate Change” of the EEA FM 2014-2021.

The project activities aim to improve the ecological status of the sea waters in the Burgas Bay and increase the public awareness, self-awareness and responsibility of the citizens for the reduction and prevention of marine litter.

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